www.TheBestGuideOnly.com Practice online trading by opening a brokerage account with Interactive Brokers, Scottrade, Zecco Trading, Trade King, TD Ameritrade, or eTrade. Begin using the practice account until you are comfortable. When you are ready to trade, fund your account. It is best if you open a margin account. Margin accounts have much greater flexibility than cash accounts. Knowing how to pick penny stocks online will help you to build passive income. Begin trading as soon as you are comfortable. Find an online mentor to help you with your daily trade choices or use software that will give you good advice. Research all stocks before purchasing. Make sure that you understand the type of order that you are placing, whether it is a buy order, sell short order, market order, limit order, stop loss order, or trailing stop order. Join a stock club so that you can bounce ideas off of other people and learn from their experiences. Knowing how to pick penny stocks online can help you add another stream of income. to learn more about penny stock, please visit us at : www.TheBestGuideOnly.com