Penny STocks Chat

Penny STocks Chat

Penny Stocks Chat is now online


Finally, a stock trading chat network created by the traders, for the traders.

A place where anyone can go and set up their own stock related chat room, or join one that is already created, create a new channel for any stock symbol, or for any trading group. Web client available, we will create a web link that you can put on your webpage if you want your webpage to have a chatroom, The chat network also has the capability to follow twitter hashtags. Fully customizable for any website.


Join today, start your own channel for your group or join one of ours and speak to experienced stock traders that are more then happy to help guide you in the right direction. This network is ran by TRADERS not promoters like many other stock chats. We are by the traders for the traders. Channels are given out on a first come first serve basis. Once you register your channel you have full access to administrate it. You can set your own channel owners, super admins, channel operators, and voiced users. You have control of topics, channel settings, moderation etc. kick users, ban users, Prevent certain users from chatting.

All traders welcome, Stocks, Forex, commodoties, Pennystocks, Bonds, Create a chatroom today for your website or trading group. Secret and private channel settings available. No chat requirements or limitations. Chat about any subject you want. All chat rooms are completely un censored, and un monitored.


Don’t wait join now before all the  best channel names are taken. NO REGISTRATION required, no email address needed. just join and click connect. or connect with mIRC.

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